Somebody said that life is unfair but I don’t believe in this. Life is what you make of it. When somebody gives you lemons, make lemonades. True, problems come our way and our life sucks. We struggle and we fall so many times. We look around us and we see people enjoying the times of their lives while, on the other hand, everything seems so hopeless for us. Life is unfair and so we say. Nah! Not true. We should remember that there is something good in every situation that we are in, whether it is a positive event or not. It is how we look at life, how we see things, how we love ourselves and how much faith we have. A carpenter being paid to make a table for a day won’t be able to finish it on time if he sees that what he is working on is a big house instead of a table and if he is working on it with a heavy heart.
Love your work, it is God’s gift and make the most of what you’re given.